2009年3月16日 星期一


文獻來源: Lu, C. C. Lu, L. W. Wu, G. F. Jiang, H. Deng, L. H.Wang, Y.F. Hsu (2009). Systematic status of Agehana elwesi f. cavaleriei based on morphological and molecular evidence. Zoological Studies: 270-279 [全文下載]

Agehana swallowtail butterflies are unusual in having 2 veins present in the broad lobe-like “ tail”of their hindwing. Of the 2 species currently recognized in this genus, A. maraho is generally considered an endangered taxon endemic to Taiwan. The other species, A. elwesi, which is widespread in the southern part of continental China, contains a form superficially similar to A. maraho. This form is termed f. cavaleriei, and its distribution is restricted to southwestern China. The relationship between this form and A. maraho has not been critically examined using either morphology or molecular characters. The male genitalia and a 1530 p fragment of mitochondrial DNA including the cytochrome oxidase I barcoding region suggest that f. cavaleriei is a form of A. elwesi rather than A. maraho.
