2009年5月26日 星期二


photo by nicc776
Correlated responses to selection on female egg size in male reproductive traits in a butterfly
Evol Ecol (2009) 23:389–402
DOI 10.1007/s10682-007-9233-1

Klaus Fischer / Katja Zimmer / Nina Wedell

雌性與雄性特徵之間的遺傳關聯可能成為演化上的限制,如果該特徵與生殖有關,則對性擇具有潛在的影響。針對熱帶蝴蝶Bicyclus anynana以人為方式對進行卵的尺寸進行選汰的實驗得到高度分岐的品系。作者在此報導雄性特徵的關聯演化證據。來自大型卵品系的雄蝶具有顯著較茂盛的精莢,此與體型大小無關,且傾向比來自小型卵的雄蝶在生殖道中儲存更多的可孕精子。這可能造成兩性之間與生殖有關且被低估的遺傳關聯。然而,不孕的精子數量與睪丸的尺寸不受卵大小選擇的影響。在一個未受選汰族群中、表型關聯性顯示精莢的重量與可孕精子的數量(而非睪丸尺寸與不孕精子的數量)分別與雄性身體大小呈正相關,且那些較大的精莢含有較多的可孕精子、而非不可孕精子。此外,雄性提供較大的精莢與較多可孕精子給體型較大的雌性,暗示雄性可能在交配中行使交配選擇。


Genetic correlations between male and female traits can act as evolutionary constraints and, if involving reproductive traits, potentially influence sexual selection. Artificial selection on egg size in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana has yielded highly divergent lines. Here we report evidence for correlated evolution in male traits. Males from the large-egg selected lines produced significantly heavier spermatophores independent of body size and tended to have more fertile sperm stored in their reproductive tracts than those from the small-egg selected lines. This may be due to an underlying genetic correlation in reproductive effort between the sexes. However, non-fertile sperm number and testis size remained unaffected by selection on egg size. Phenotypic correlations within an unselected population revealed that spermatophore mass and fertile sperm number, but not testis size and non-fertile sperm number, were positively related to male body size, and that larger spermatophores contained more fertile, but not non-fertile sperm. In addition, males provided larger females with bigger spermatophores and more fertile sperm, indicating males may be exercising mate choice during copulation.

2009年5月22日 星期五


Regier JC, Cook CP, Mitter C, Hussey A. 2008. A phylogenetic study of the 'bombycoid complex' (Lepidoptera) using five protein-coding nuclear genes, with comments on the problem of macrolepidopteran phylogeny. Systematic Entomology 33(1): 175-189. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2007.00409.x

This study had two aims. First, we tested the monophyly of and relationships within the 'bombycoid complex', an assembly of approximately 5300 species postulated by Minet to represent 12 families in three superfamilies, by sequencing five protein-coding nuclear gene regions (CAD, DDC, enolase, period, wingless; approximately 6750 bp total) in 66 representatives of most of the subfamilies and tribes. Second, we sought initial evidence on the utility of these genes for estimating relationships among Macrolepidoptera more broadly (11 superfamilies total), by adding representatives of eight families from four other superfamilies, and by assessing the phylogenetic information content of the individual genes and partitions thereof. Analysis of the combined data by likelihood and parsimony upholds monophyly for the bombycoid complex and for Bombycoidea sensu stricto (includes Anthelidae, see below), but with weak bootstrap support. Minet's assignment of Phiditiinae to Bombycoidea rather than to Noctuoidea is strongly upheld, but Anthelidae, placed in Lasiocampoidea by Minet, group securely within Bombycoidea sensu stricto. Within the latter, the basal split segregates a strongly supported 'BALE' group [Apatelodinae + (Eupterotidae + (Brahmaeidae + Lemoniidae))]. The remaining families form a consistently but weakly supported clade, within which the basal split segregates the very strongly supported 'CAPOPEM' group [Carthaeidae, Anthelidae, Phiditiinae, (Prismostictini + (Endromidae + (Oberthueriini + Mirinidae)))]. The remaining bombycoids are grouped, very weakly, as Sphingidae + (Bombycinae + Saturniidae). All multiply-sampled families are strongly recovered, in both outgroups and ingroups, except that Bombycidae sensu Minet are rendered decisively polyphyletic. All genes make important contributions to the combined data results, and there is little strong conflict among genes or between synonymous and nonsynonymous change, although two instances of inter-gene conflict were notable, one in Lasiocampidae and one in Mimallonidae. Overall, about 75% of nodes are strongly supported (i.e. bootstrap value ≥80%). Superfamilies are recovered, but not always strongly, whereas relationships among superfamilies are recovered only weakly and inconsistently; even within the reasonably well-sampled Bombycoidea sensu stricto, a (to us) surprising number of interfamily relationships remain uncertain. Thus, it seems clear that substantially more genes, plus additional taxon sampling in most superfamilies, will be required to resolve macrolepidopteran phylogeny.

Zwick A. 2008. Molecular phylogeny of Anthelidae and other bombycoid taxa (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea). Systematic Entomology 33(1): 190-209. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2007.00410.x

Based on DNA sequences of the fusion protein carbamoylphosphate synthetase/aspartate transcarbamylase/dihydroorotase (CAD; 680 bp) and elongation factor-1α (Ef-1α; 1240 bp); the first molecular phylogeny of the moth family Anthelidae and its placement within the Bombycoidea sensu Brock (1971) (= bombycoid complex sensu Minet, 1994) is proposed. The results strongly support the monophyly of the family Anthelidae and its subfamilies Munychryiinae and Anthelinae, but demonstrate the vast polyphyly of its main genus Anthela Walker, 1855. The proposed phylogeny suggests that grass feeding, as apparent from some pest records, probably is an ancestral trait within the subfamily Anthelinae. Evolutionary relationships of the family Anthelidae and of most parts of the Bombycoidea remain obscure. However, the results contradict many of the widely accepted phylogenetic hypotheses within the Bombycoidea proposed by Minet (1994: Entomologica scandinavica, 25, 63–88). The Brahmaeidae are paraphyletic relative to the Lemoniidae (syn.nov.), and the current concept of Bombycidae is polyphyletic, with the bombycid subfamily Apatelodinae being part of a monophylum comprising Brahmaeidae / Lemoniidae, Eupterotidae and Apatelodidae (stat.rev.).

圖片連結: Bettaman的flickr相簿

2009年5月14日 星期四

寬尾鳳蝶早在1930年代就被發現了, 怎麼會是1966年?

寬尾鳳蝶 太平山現蹤 【聯合報╱記者廖雅欣/羅東報導】 2009.05.15 03:33 am

生態攝影家林介生在太平山拍攝到難得一見的「寬尾鳳蝶」。 照片/羅東林管處提供

羅東林區管理處太平山工作站與生態攝影家林介生合作,經過11天的尋覓與等待,在太平山事業區第31林班發現台灣特有種「寬尾鳳蝶」蹤跡,非常難得。 羅東林管處表示,寬尾鳳蝶學名「Agehana maraho」,是台灣特有種,1966年由退休老師廖有麟在宜蘭太平山發現(應該是廖有鱗發現其幼蟲, 年代是1967年),1989年被列為一級保育瀕危物種,主要分布於太平山至拉拉山、海拔1千至2千公尺的山區。 「寬尾鳳蝶」極其稀少,主因其幼蟲食「台灣擦樹」樹葉,該植物很少,幼蟲成長不易,以致寬尾鳳蝶被稱為「國寶蝶」,又被日本稱為「夢幻蝶」,也是生態攝影者的夢幻物種。 筆名「大型阿生」的生態攝影家林介生,長期在太平山記錄生態,此次他與羅東林管處合作,在太平山林班地尋找11天,終於見到3次寬尾鳳蝶的身影,其中一次「寬尾鳳蝶」停留在地面,讓他順利拍攝到,極其難得。 「一邊拍,一邊發抖」,林介生說,寬尾鳳蝶大部分飛舞在樹林間,很少停駐在地面上,此次能拍攝到,是很珍貴的記錄與攝影經驗。 【2009/05/15 聯合報】

2009年5月7日 星期四

發現夸父璀灰蝶、密紋波灰蝶 迷蝶人徐堉峰 獲日頒「林賞」獎

發現夸父璀灰蝶、密紋波灰蝶 迷蝶人徐堉峰 獲日頒「林賞」獎 2009-05-05 中國時報 邱祖胤/專訪

▲師大生命科學系教授徐堉峰獲得2008年日本蝶類學會研究獎「林賞」,以肯定他在台灣蝴蝶研究領域的傑出貢獻。 (陳志源攝)

日本蝶類學會二○○八年將學會的研究獎「林賞」主動頒給一位台灣人-師範大學生命科學系教授徐堉峰,肯定他在台灣蝴蝶研究領域的傑出貢獻。過去日本蝶類學會從未頒獎給任何外國人,但是徐堉峰發現了夸父璀灰蝶、密紋波灰蝶等十多種新蝶種,並出版《近郊蝴蝶》、《台灣蝶圖鑑》等書,他的成就連日本人都豎起大姆指。 生於一九六四年的徐堉峰,國小三年級在一次自強活動中看到一顆紫斑蝶的蛹,閃爍著黃金般的色澤,從此迷上蝴蝶。這一迷卻荒廢了學業。重考進入高中以及後來的大學時期,徐堉峰到處尋找蝴蝶原文資料,不但英文突飛猛進,更在大學畢業後直接進入柏克萊大學昆蟲博士班。 徐堉峰除了迷蝶成痴,平日熱愛研讀歷史,因此連他筆下的昆蟲世界都充滿史家筆法。他說自己若不研究蝴蝶,可能會念考古或歷史吧。正因喜歡歷史,他特別愛發問,這一問,竟找出許多美麗的蝴蝶新品種。 他在九○年代發現的夸父璀灰蝶,就是最好的例子。由於一般認為璀灰蝶全世界只有一種,而且是日本特有,幼蟲以山毛櫸為食。徐堉峰質疑,山毛櫸又不是只有日本才有,於是大膽假設台灣山毛櫸林地也有相同蝶種。果然讓他在插天山發現台灣特有的亞種夸父璀灰蝶! 不過,這種蝴蝶只在五月梅雨季的晴天才會出現,追蝴蝶的過程猶如夸父追日,非常艱辛,這也是夸父璀灰蝶名字的由來。 徐堉峰與另一位昆蟲學家顏聖紘共同發現的密紋波灰蝶,則有另一段故事。 波灰蝶分布範圍從印度、日本到澳洲,是普遍的蝶種,但文獻資料卻很少看到卵的資料。他好奇:「難道牠們都不下蛋嗎?」 於是徐堉峰投入追蹤。他看到波灰蝶在植物的花苞上下蛋,趨前查看卻怎樣都看不到卵,把花苞整個撥開,才發見原來卵藏在花中-原來波灰蝶產卵後會將花苞封膠密合。這一招不但保護下一代,也幾乎騙過所有昆蟲學者。好奇的徐堉峰把波灰蝶的卵帶回研究室孵育,也因此意外發現台灣特有亞種的密紋波灰蝶。 徐堉峰說,台灣研究蝴蝶的歷史,從一八六六年生物地理學之父華萊士為台灣蝴蝶寫下第一篇論文就開始了。蝴蝶保育學者紐伊(T.R.New)在《蝴蝶保育》指出,台灣在一九六○年代利用蝴蝶加工品外銷賺取外匯,全盛時期一年達五億隻。如此驚人的捕捉方式卻未造成蝶種消逝,證明當時蝴蝶棲地未受破壞。 沒想到,台灣常見的大紫斑蝶和台灣燕小灰蝶,如今邁向滅絕。徐堉峰希望透過研究及教育,讓蝴蝶滅絕的事情不再發生。

這是啥唧唧聲? 天蠶蛾幼蟲的超聲波與聲響警訊

What’s the buzz? Ultrasonic and sonic warning signals in caterpillars of the great peacock moth (Saturnia pyri)

Veronica L. Bura & Alan J. Fleming & Jayne E. Yack

幼蟲在面對許多天敵的情形下發展出不同的禦敵策略。多數的研究著眼於以視覺導引捕食者的策略,如偽裝、背腹顏色對比的隱蔽色與警戒色。然而,防禦性的聲音雖然已被報導了超過一百年,卻仍鮮少受到研究。作者在常見的歐洲大孔雀眼天蠶蛾(European Great Peacock moth, Saturnia pyri) 幼蟲上發現一新型態的聲音產生—唧唧聲(chirping)。 這種唧唧聲是由大顎的”齒”進行快速而連續的敲擊所發出 ,頻率主要集中在聲波 (3.7 kHz)與超聲波(55.1 kHz) 之間。一系列的敲擊聲可由模擬捕食者的攻擊而引發,表皮的刺毛會同時或在敲擊聲後分泌防禦性化學物質,支持作者認為此行為是聲音的警戒行為之假說。作者認為這些幼蟲針對擁有不同主要感覺方式的天敵們(鳥、蝙蝠與無脊椎動物)發展出多重的警告訊號: 視覺、化學與聲音。

Caterpillars have many natural enemies and, therefore, have evolved a diversity of antipredator strategies. Most research focuses on those strategies (crypsis, countershading, and warning coloration) targeting visually guided predators. In contrast, defensive sounds, although documented for more than a century, have been poorly studied. We report on a novel form of sound production— chirping—in caterpillars of the common European Great Peacock moth (Saturnia pyri). Chirps are broadband, with dominant peaks ranging between the sonic (3.7 kHz) and ultrasonic (55.1 kHz) and are generated by a rapid succession of mandibular “tooth strikes.” Chirp trains are induced by simulated predator attacks and precede or accompany the secretion of a defensive chemical from integumental bristles, supporting our hypothesis that these sounds function in acoustic aposematism. We propose that these caterpillars generate multimodal warning signals (visual, chemical, and acoustic) to target the dominant sensory modalities of different predators, including birds, bats, and invertebrates.

2009年5月5日 星期二


Vibration-mediated territoriality in the warty birch caterpillar Drepana bilineata
Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 697K)
Physiological Entomology (2008) 33, 238–250

1 Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and 2Division of Life Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

取食有瘤樺木的鉤蛾幼蟲 Drepana bilineata會產生兩種不同的震動訊號(上顎敲擊或摩擦肛上板) 作為同種之間的溝通。以標準的高速攝影搭配雷射都卜勒振動位移計描繪震動訊號的特性,並以行為學實驗測試”該行為是用來宣告占有樺木葉片” 的假說。敲擊行為涉及抬起頭部並打開的上顎的銳利邊緣敲打葉片,當葉片上的居住者偶然遇到同種的入侵者時,就會引起敲擊行為,當入侵者愈靠近時、敲擊的頻率就會愈高。衝突通常在幾分鐘之內就會解決,在試驗中、原居住者獲勝的比例是61%,闖入者獲勝的比例則只有6%。超過三十分鐘的衝突視為平手,試驗中的結果33%會如此。實驗的結果支持震動訊號的功能是為了宣告佔據葉片。震動溝通行為被認為是鉤蛾總科常見的特徵,但是目前只有在 D. bilineata (本研究) and Drepana arcuata兩個種有被描述過。領域行為和發出訊號的在這些物種之間的分化被認為和他們對以絲、葉製作墊子與遮蔽所的相對投資有關。本文亦討論幼蟲之震動溝通的演化趨勢。

Abstract .
The warty birch caterpillar Drepana bilineata produces two distinct types of vibrational signals (mandible drumming and anal scraping) during interactions with conspecifics. Vibrational signalling is characterized using standard and highspeed videography synchronized with laser-doppler vibrometry, and behavioural experiments test the hypothesis that signalling functions to advertise occupancy of birch ( Betula ) leaves. Drumming involves raising the head and striking the leaf with the sharp edges of the open mandibles. Anal scraping involves dragging a pair of specialized oar-shaped setae against the leaf surface. Staged encounters between leaf residents and conspecific intruders result in the resident signalling, with rates increasing as the intruder moves closer. Intruders signal significantly less often than residents. Conflicts are typically resolved within a few minutes, with the resident winning in 61% of the trials, and the intruder winning in 6%. Contests that last more than 30 min are deemed ‘ties’ and comprise the remaining 33% of trials. The results support the hypothesis that vibrational signals function to advertise leaf occupancy. Vibrational communication is believed to be widespread in Drepanoidea caterpillars, but has only been described in two species to date: D. bilineata (present study) and Drepana arcuata . It is proposed that differences in territorial behaviour and signalling between these species are related to their relative investments in silk leaf mats and shelters. The proximate and ultimate bases for the evolution of vibrational communication in caterpillars are discussed.


Bowen JL, Bond SM, Yack JE (In review) Variations on a theme: Vibrational signaling in the roe hook-tip moth caterpillar, Oreta rosea (Drepanoidea: Drepanidae) Journal of Insect Science

Yack JE, Smith ML & Weatherhead PJ.(2001) Caterpillar talk: acoustically mediated territoriality in larval Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98, 11371 – 11375.

Surlykke, Annemarie, Yack, Jayne E., Spence, Andrew J., Hasenfuss, Ivar. (2003) Hearing in hooktip moths (Drepanidae: Lepidoptera) J Exp Biol 206: 2653-266

Fletcher LE, Yack JE, Fitzgerald TD & Hoy RR. (2006 ) Vibrational communication in the cherry leaf roller caterpillar Caloptilia serotinella (Gracillariodea: Gracillariidae) . Journal of Insect Behaviour , 19 , 1 – 18 .

Russ K. (1969) Beiträge zum territorialverhalten der raupen des springwurmwicklers, Sparganothis pilleriana Schiff (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) . Pflanzenschutzberichte , 40 , 1 – 9 .

2009年5月4日 星期一


photo by:TPittaway
Characterization of ten polymorphic microsatellite markers for the protected Spanish moon moth Graellsia isabelae (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)

M. Vila, N. Mari Mena, S-H. Yen & C. Lopez-Vaamonde (2009)
Conservation Genetics. DOI 10.1007/s10592-009-9905-1

本研究發展出十個西班牙月蛾的多型性微衛星體基因座。作者對來自一個西班牙族群(Els-Ports-de-Beseit, Catalonia)的20個個體、39個來自法國山區的個體和6個來自西班牙其他地點的個體進行多型性的評估。整體而言,基因座上的對偶基因數量範圍為 5-24個。 Els-Ports-de-Beseit族群每個基因座上的平均對偶基因數量是 9.80 (SD = 4.32),異型合子比例為 0.71 (SD = 0.226),異型合子比例的期望值是0.788 (SD = 0.146)。Catalonia族群的基因型頻率符合哈溫平衡,且沒有觀察到連鎖不平衡的證據。由這組標誌所得之多基因座基因型將可應用在判斷此高度保育蛾種的遺傳岐異度與族群間的分化。有一些基因座在兩種近緣種上被找到且具有多型性: 在Actias neidhoeferi (姬長尾水青蛾)上有兩個基因座,A. luna則有三個。

Abstract Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for Graellsia isabelae. Polymorphism was assessed for 20 individuals from a Spanish population (Els-Ports-de-Beseit, Catalonia) and 39 more individuals from bone population in the French Alps and six other Spanish localities. Overall, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 24. Els-Ports-de-Beseit showed an average number of alleles per locus of 9.80 (SD = 4.32), observed heterozygosity was 0.71 (SD = 0.226), and expected heterozygosity was 0.788 (SD = 0.146). Genotypic frequencies conformed to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium at the Catalonian population, and no evidence for linkage disequilibrium was observed. Multilocus genotypes resulting from this set of markers will be useful to determine genetic diversity and differentiation within and among populations of this highly protected moth. Several loci amplified and resulted polymorphic in two related species: two loci in Actias neidhoeferi, and three loci in A. luna.

Graellsia isabelae 研究群: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) - Centre d'Orléans 網站

又發現不明生物非常噁心?- 刺蛾幼蟲啦

這是最近在網路上流傳的一段影片 (網路上反正什麼都會流傳), 其實是新熱帶區產的刺蛾科Phobetron屬的幼蟲. 那些怪怪的結構則是幼蟲的SD與L瘤突.

圖片連結: Nature NM的flickr相簿

2009年5月3日 星期日

中國產草螟亞科Gargela屬之分類檢討, 及10個新種之描述

文獻來源: Song SM, CHen FQ, Wu CS. 2009. A review of the genus Gargela Walker in China, with descriptions of ten new species (Lepidoptera: Crambidae, Crambinae). Zootaxa 2090: 40-56. [摘要連結]

此文所描述之新種包含了產於台灣的Gargela xanthocasis, G. renatusalis, 以及G. minuta. 其中G. minuta為產於台灣蘭嶼的新種 (模式標本存放於國立中山大學生物科學系昆蟲系統分類與演化研究室)

Abstract The present paper reports twelve species of the genus Gargela Walker from China. Ten species are reported as new to science, named herein G. bilineata, G. distigma, G. hastatela, G. xizangensis, G. hainana, G. albidusa, G. quadrispinula, G. furca, G. fuscusa, G. minuta. The adults and genital structures of new species are described, with photographs of the adults and illustrations of genitalia. A key to the Chinese species, based on male specimens is provided.

中國四川瀘定縣莫西產卵翅蛾新種 - 莫西卵翅蛾 (莫西鈴蛾)

文獻來源: Chen LS, Owada M, Wang M, Yang L. 2009. The genus Neopseustis (Lepidoptera: Neopseustidae) from China, with description of one new species. Zootaxa 2089: 10-18. [摘要連結]

The members of the genus Neopseustis Meyrick, 1909 from China are reviewed, and a key to the species is given. Neopseustis moxiensis Chen & Owada is described as a new species, characterized by the monotonous fuscous hindwings, and by the compressed clavate tegumenal lobes as well as slender uncinate apex of valvae. All the type specimens of new species are deposited in the Department of Entomology, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China. Neopseustis fanjingshana Yang, 1988 (type locality: Guizhou) is redescribed on the basis of a male specimen, collected in Hunan. Diagnoses, notes and collecting data are given for N. bicornuta, N. sinensis, N. meyricki and N. archiphenax. A checklist of the Neopseustidae (4 genera, 13 species) is provided with their distribution.


Figure 1. Adults of Geometra. (A) G. papilionaria, ♂; (B) G. symaria, ♂; (C) G. albovenaria, ♂; (D) G. valida, ♂; (E) G. euryagyia, ♂; (F) G. dieckmanni, ♂; (G) G. sponsaria, ♂; (H) G. ussuriensis, ♂; (I) G. neovalida sp. nov. ♂, holotype; (J) G. flavifrontaria, ♂; (K) G. purissima, ♂, holotype; (L) G. smaragdus, ♂; (M) G. fragilis, ♂, syntype; (N) G. sinoisaria, ♂, syntype; (O) G. burmensis sp. nov., ♂, holotype; (P) G. glaucaria, ♂; (Q) G. rana, ♂; (R) G. sigaria, ♂, syntype. Scale bar 10 mm

文獻來源: Han, H.-X. , A.C. Galsworthy & D.-Y. Xue, 2009, A survey of the genus Geometra Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Geometrinae), Journal of National History 43 (13): 885-922. [摘要連結]

The type genus of the family Geometridae, Geometra Linnaeus, is reviewed. In addition to the 16 species known worldwide, two new species are described: Geometra neovalida sp. nov. from China, and Geometra burmensis sp. nov. from Burma (Myanmar). All the known species are redescribed. Genitalia of all species are described and illustrated, most for the first time. Generic characters based on all species are summarized. The monophyly of the genus and its relationship with allied genera are reviewed and discussed in detail. Most species fall into two species groups, named the papilionaria and smaragdus groups, on the basis of the morphology of the male genitalia. Biological information is provided where available. Illustrations of moths and genitalia are presented.

[TaiBNET名錄修訂] Leucinodes apicalis

草螟科的黑頂白翅野螟Leucinodes apicalis Hampson, 1896羅列於1992年出版的台灣鱗翅目昆蟲誌中, 但為TaiBNET資料庫所遺漏, 此項疏漏由台灣大學吳士緯同學發現, 在此提出修正與公告.

圖片連結: bettaman的flickr相簿


文獻來源: Kobayashi S, Hirowatari T, Murase M, Kuroko H. 2009. A new stem-borer of the genus Bucculatrix (Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae) from Japan, with description of the life history. Entomological Science 12(1): 84-90. [摘要連結]

A new species of bucculaticid moth, Bucculatrix hamaboella sp. nov. (Host plant: Hibiscus hamabo, Malvaceae) is described from Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. The feeding habit of the new species is unique in that: (i) the young larva is a leaf miner forming a long red linear mine but in the later instars the larva becomes a stem borer; (ii) later instar larvae undergo double molts within a cocoonet (molting cocoon); and (iii) penultimate and final instars appear on the surface of the leaf as non-feeding stages. The external non-feeding larvae of B. hamaboella undergoing double molts within one cocoonet are considered to be an abbreviated form of the external feeding instars of other bucculatricids typically making first and second cocoonets, undergoing a single molt within each cocoonet. On the basis of morphological characters, this species is related to the species of Sections I and II (Host: Asteraceae) of Braun (1963), rather than to the species of Section VIII (Host: Malvaceae).

中國廣東產越南小翅蛾屬之二新種 - 南崑山小翅蛾與南嶺小翅蛾

文獻來源: Hirowatari, Toshiya, Satoshi Hashimoto, Utsugi Jinbo & Min Wang, 2009, Descriptions of two new species of Vietomartyria Hashimoto & Mey (Lepidoptera: Micropterigidae) from South China, with reference to autapomorphies of the genus, Entomological Science 12 (1): 67-73. [摘要連結]

Two new species of micropterigids, Vietomartyria nankunshana Hirowatari & Hashimoto sp. nov. and V. nanlingana Hirowatari & Jinbo sp. nov., are described from Nankunshan and Nanling (Guangdong, China), respectively. The genus Vietomartyria Hashimoto & Mey, 2000, which was originally established as a monotypic genus, is redefined based on the following autapomorphies shared by the three species: (i) the long basal stalk of each flagellomere; (ii) the many (>100) minute serrate projections near the gonopore of aedeagus; and (iii) the gonopore situated dorsally near the apex.