2013年11月28日 星期四


文獻來源:Chang, W. C. & S. Wu. 2013. Review of the genus Hemistola Warren, 1893 in Taiwan with notes on an unusual conifer-feeding larva and descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Geometrinae). Zootaxa 3741(4): 538–550.

The genus Hemistola Warren, 1893 in Taiwan is reviewed. Seven species are confirmed, with descriptions of three new species provided: H. piceacola sp. nov., H. fui sp. nov. and H. taiwanensis sp. nov. The immature stages and unusual conifer-feeding behavior of H. piceacola on Taiwan spruce (Picea morrisonicola) are reported. The distribution of H. tenuilinea (Alphéraky, 1897) is discussed and this species is omitted from the Taiwanese fauna. 

台灣產尺蛾科青尺蛾亞科無繮青尺蛾屬(Hemistola)過去有五種之紀錄,本文章描述三個新種,即雲杉無繮青尺蛾(H. piceacola sp. nov.)、傅氏無繮青尺蛾(H. fui sp. nov.)與台灣無繮青尺蛾(H. taiwanensis sp. nov.),前種被發現取食台灣雲杉,而歸屬於同一種群且分佈相似之傅氏無繮青尺蛾與黃緣無繮青尺蛾(H. monotona)亦被推測取食裸子植物。本文章亦首次描述黃緣無繮青尺蛾雌蟲以及鋸齒無繮青尺蛾(H. kezukai)之雌蟲生殖器,並確認東亞廣布種H. tenuilinea (Alphéraky, 1897)並未分布於台灣。

雲杉無繮青尺蛾 (H. piceacola Chang & Wu, 2013)幼生期取食台灣雲杉之針葉
